Rick Wash
Associate Professor
The Information School
University of Wisconsin, Madison
4251 Helen C. White building
600 N. Park st
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI 53706
1215 Middleton St
Middleton, WI 53562
(734) 730-1188
Information School at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
- 2024-Present: Associate Director of Research, Information School
- 2023-Present: Associate Professor (with tenure), University of Wisconsin, Madison
Michigan State University
- 2016-2023: Associate Professor (with tenure), Michigan State University.
- Department of Media and Information
- 2015-2016: Associate Professor (with tenure), Michigan State University.
- School of Journalism (51%)
- Department of Media and Information (49%)
- 2010-2015: Assistant Professor, Michigan State University.
- School of Journalism (51%)
- Department of Media and Information (49%) (formerly Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media)
- 2009-2010: Visiting Assistant Professor, Michigan State University.
- Department of Telecommunications, Information Studies, and Media
- PhD, School of Information, University of Michigan. 2009
- Masters of Science, Computer Science. University of Michigan. 2005
- Bachelors of Science, Computer Science. Case Western Reserve University. 2002
Awarded Research Grants
- National Science Foundation, “Workshop on Trustworthy Algorithmic Decision-Making”. CNS-1748381, Emilee Rader, PI. Rick Wash, Co-PI. 2017-2018. Budget $93,909
- National Science Foundation, “SaTC: CORE: Small: Using Stories to Improve Computer Security Decision Making”. CNS-1714126, Rick Wash, PI. 2017-2020. Budget $515,987
- REU Supplement 2019: $16,000
- National Science Foundation, “CAREER: Mental Models and Critical Mass: Shaping the Success of Online Communities.” IIS-1350253, Rick Wash, PI. 2014-2019 Budget $489,678.
- REU Supplement 2014: $16,000
- REU Supplement 2015: $16,000
- REU Supplement 2017: $16,000
- National Science Foundation, “TC:Collaborative Research:Small:Influencing Mental Models of Security.” CNS-1116544, Rick Wash, PI MSU. Emilee Rader, PI Northwestern. 2011-2014 Total Budget: $499,781; MSU Budget: $258,194
- REU Supplement 2012: $16,000
- REU Supplement 2013: $16,000
- REU Supplement 2014: $16,000
- REU Supplement 2015: $8,000
- National Science Foundation, “Socio-technical Design of Crowdfunding Websites.” CCF-1101266, Rick Wash, PI. 2011-2014 Budget $399,511.
- REU Supplement 2012: $16,000
- REU Supplement 2013: $16,000
- National Science Foundation, “CT-ER: Incentive Centered Technology Design for Home User Security.” CNS 0716196, Jeffrey MacKie-Mason PI. 2007-2009. Budget: $200,000. Rick Wash, Unofficial co-PI
Awards and Fellowships
- SOUPS Impact Award. Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy (SOUPS) 2020 (for significant impact on usable security and privacy research and practice) for paper “Folk Models of Home Computer Security”
- Google Security and Privacy Research Award 2018
- Gary M. Olson Outstanding PhD Student Award. School of Information, University of Michigan. 2008
- National Science Foundation IGERT Fellowship. University of Michigan STIET program. 2002-2004
Best Paper type awards
- Honorable Mention Award. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI) 2018:
- Nominated for Best Paper. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual meeting, 2014
- Distinguished Poster Award. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 2014
- Best Paper Honorable Mention (Top 5%), ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work conference 2014
Other Awards
- Distinguished Reviewer for USENIX Security 2023
- “Motivating Contributions for Home Computer Security.” Rick Wash. University of Michigan, 2009.
- Chair: Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason
- Committee: Judith Olson, Mark Ackerman, Brian Noble
Journal Papers
- Rick Wash and Emilee Rader. “Prioritizing Security Over Usability: Strategies for How People Choose Passwords” Journal of CyberSecurity. Vol. 7 June 2021. https://doi.org/10.1093/cybsec/tyab012
- Janghee Cho and Rick Wash. “How Potential New Members Approach an Online Community” Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Vol. 30 No. 1 pp. 35-77. January 2021. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10606-020-09390-0
- Megan Knittel, Faye Kollig, Abrielle Mason, and Rick Wash. ““Anyone else have this experience?” Sharing the Emotional Labor of Tracking Data About Me” Proceedings of the ACM: Human-Computer Interation (CSCW). Vol. 4 No. CSCW1 November 2021. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3449153
- Rick Wash. “How Experts Detect Phishing Scam Emails” Proceedings of the ACM: Human-Computer Interation (CSCW). Vol. 4 November 2020. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3415231
- Megan Knittel, Shelby Pitts, and Rick Wash. ““The Most Trustworty Coin”: How Ideological Tensions Drive Trust in Bitcoin” Proceedings of the ACM: Human-Computer Interation (CSCW). Vol. 3 November 2019. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3359138
- Emilee Rader and Rick Wash. “Identifying Patterns in Informal Sources of Security Information” Journal of Cyber Security. Vol. 1 2015. http://cybersecurity.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2015/12/01/cybsec.tyv008.abstract
- Alcides Velasquez, Rick Wash, Cliff Lampe, and Tor Bjornrud. “Latent Users in an Online User-generated Content Community” Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Vol. 23 No. 1 pp. 21-50. February 2014. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10606-013-9188-4
- Donghee Yvette Wohn and Rick Wash. “A Virtual Room with a Cue: Detecting personality through spatial customization in a city simulation game” Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 29 No. 1 pp. 155-159. 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2012.07.029
- Cliff Lampe, Nicole Ellison, Jessica Vitak, Yvette Wohn, and Rick Wash. “Student use of Facebook for organizing collaborative classroom activities” International Journal of Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning. Vol. 6 No. 3 pp. 329–347. 2011. http://www.springerlink.com/content/h9m4233168200637/
- Theodore Loder, Marshall van Alstyne, and Rick Wash. “An Economic Response to Unsolicited Communications” Advanced in Economic Analysis and Policy. Vol. 6 No. 1 2006. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/bejeap.2006.6.1/bejeap.2006.6.1.1322/bejeap.2006.6.1.1322.xml
Conference Proceedings
- Julia Wunder, Rick Wash, Karen Renaud, Daniela Oliveira, and Zinaida Benenson. “Achieving Resilience: Data Loss and Recovery in Three Countries” ACM SigCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI). Yokohama, Japan. April 2025.
- Megan Knittel and Rick Wash. “How an Online Health Support Community Responded to the COVID-19 Crisis” Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Maui, Hawaii. January 2022.
- Rick Wash, Norbert Nthala, and Emilee Rader. “Knowledge and Capabilities that Non-Expert Users Bring to Phishing Detection” Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). Virtual. July 2021.
- Rick Wash and Molly Cooper. “Who Provides Phishing Training? Facts, Stories, and People Like Me” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI). Montreal, Canada. April 2018. [Honorable Mention Award] DOI 10.1145/3173574.3174066
- Chankyung Pak and Rick Wash. “The Rich Get Richer? Limited Learning in Charitable Giving on donorschoose.org” Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). Montreal, Quebec, Canada. May 2017.
- Rick Wash, Emilee Rader, and Chris Fennell. “Can People Self-Report Security Accurately? Agreement Between Self-Report and Behavioral Measures” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI). Denver, CO. May 2017. DOI 10.1145/3025453.3025911
- Rick Wash, Emilee Rader, Ruthie Berman, and Zac Wellmer. “Understanding Password Choices: How Frequently Entered Passwords are Re-used Across Websites” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). Denver, Colorado. June 2016.
- Jacob Solomon, Wenjuan Ma, and Rick Wash. “Highly Successful Projects Inhibit Coordination on Crowdfunding Sites” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI). San Jose, CA. May 2016.
- Rick Wash and Emilee Rader. “Too Much Knowledge? Security Beliefs and Protective Behaviors Among US Internet Users” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). Ottawa, Canada. July 2015.
- Jacob Solomon, Wenjuan Ma, and Rick Wash. “Don’t Wait! How Timing Affects Coordination of Crowdfunding Donations” Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Vancouver, BC. March 2015.
- Jacob Solomon and Rick Wash. “Human-What Interaction? Understanding User Source Orientation” Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (HFES). Chicago, IL. October 2014. [Nominated for Best Paper]
- Rick Wash, Emilee Rader, Kami Vaniea, and Michelle Rizor. “Out of the Loop: How Automated Software Updates Cause Unintended Security Consequences” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). Menlo Park, CA. July 2014.
- Jacob Solomon and Rick Wash. “Critical Mass of What? Exploring Community Growth in WikiProjects” Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM). Ann Arbor, MI. June 2014.
- Kami Vaniea, Emilee Rader, and Rick Wash. “Betrayed By Updates: How Negative Experiences Affect Future Security” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI). Toronto, Canada. April 2014. DOI 10.1145/2556288.2557275
- Rick Wash and Jacob Solomon. “Coordinating Donors on Crowdfunding Websites” Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Baltimore, Maryland. February 2014. [Honorable Mention] DOI 10.1145/2531602.2531678
- Rick Wash. “The Value of Completing Crowdfunding Projects” Proceedings of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM). Boston, MA. July 2013.
- Emilee Rader, Rick Wash, and Brandon Brooks. “Stories as Informal Lessons About Security” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). Washington, DC. July 2012. DOI 10.1145/2335356.2335364
- Rick Wash and Cliff Lampe. “The Power of the Ask in Social Media” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Seattle, WA. February 2012. DOI 10.1145/2145204.2145381
- Jacob Solomon and Rick Wash. “Bootstrapping Wikis: Developing Critical Mass in an Fledgling Community by Seeding Content” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Seattle, WA. February 2012. DOI 10.1145/2145204.2145247
- Rick Wash and Emilee Rader. “Influencing Mental Models of Security” Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW). Marshall, CA. September 2011. DOI 10.1145/2073276.2073283
- Donghee Yvette Wohn, Cliff Lampe, Nicole Ellison, Rick Wash, and Jessica Vitak. “The “S” in Social Network Games: Initiating, Maintaining, and Enhancing Relationships.” Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Kauai, HI. January 2011. DOI 10.1109/HICSS.2011.400
- Rick Wash. “Folk Models of Home Computer Security” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy (SOUPS). 2010. [SOUPS Impact Award in 2020] DOI 10.1145/1837110.1837125
- Cliff Lampe, Rick Wash, Alcides Velasquez, and Elif Ozkaya. “Motivations to Participate in Online Communities” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI). Atlanta, GA. April 2010. DOI 10.1145/1753326.1753616
- Emilee Rader and Rick Wash. “Influences on Tag Choices in del.icio.us” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). San Diego, CA. November 2008. DOI 10.1145/1460563.1460601
- Rick Wash and Emilee Rader. “Public Bookmarks and Private Benefits: An Analysis of Incentives in Social Computing” Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, WI. October 2007.
- Rick Wash and Jeffrey MacKie-Mason. “Security When People Matter: Structuring Incentives For User Behavior” Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC). Minneapolis, MN. August 2007. DOI 10.1145/1282100.1282105
- Rick Wash, Libby Hemphill, and Paul Resnick. “Design Decisions in the RideNow Project” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP). Sanibel Island, FL. November 2005. DOI 10.1145/1099203.1099228
- Thede Loder, Marshall Van Alstyne, and Rick Wash. “An Economic Solution to the Spam Problem” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC). New York, NY. May 2004. DOI 10.1145/988772.988780
Book Chapters
- Jan Boehmer, Yumi Jung, and Rick Wash. “Electronic Commerce Recommender Systems.” In International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication & Society, ICA Encyclopedias of Communication, Edited by Mansell, Robin and Ang, Peng Hwa. Wiley. February 2015. ISBN 9781118290743
- Rick Wash and Emilee Rader. “Folk Models of Home Computer Security.” In The Death of the Internet, Edited by Markus Jacobsson. Wiley. June 2012. ISBN 978-1118062418
Articles for Non-Academic Audiences
- Rick Wash. “The Power of Storytelling in Cybersecurity Training” The Wall Street Journal. 2023.
- Rick Wash. “Why Companies Shouldn’t Try to Catch Employees With Fake Phishing Emails” The Wall Street Journal. 2023.
- Rick Wash. “How to Recognize Phishing Emails: Cybersecurity Experts Give Advice” The Wall Street Journal. 2022.
- Rick Wash. “Behind the crypto hype is an ideology of social change” The Conversation. 2022.
- Rick Wash. “You know how to identify phishing emails – a cybersecurity researcher explains how to trust your instincts to foil the attack” The Conversation. 2021.
- Rick Wash and Mary Ellen Zurko. “Usable Security: Guest Editors’ Introduction” IEEE Internet Computing. Vol. 21 No. 3 pp. 19-21. May/June 2017.
- M. Angela Sasse, Charles C. Palmer, Markus Jakobsson, Sunny Consolvo, Rick Wash, L. Jean Camp. “Helping You Protect You” IEEE Security and Privacy. Vol. 12 No. 1 pp. 42-49. January/February 2014.
- Rick Wash. “Folk Security” IEEE Security and Privacy. Vol. 10 No. 6 pp. 88-90. November/December 2012.
Workshop Papers
- Norbert Nthala and Rick Wash. “How Non-Experts Try to Detect Phishing Scam Emails”.” Paper in Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection. May 2021.
- Chris Fennell and Rick Wash. “Do Stories Help People Adopt Two-factor Authentication.” Poster in Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). August 2019.
- Megan Knittel and Rick Wash. “How “True Bitcoiners” Work on Reddit to Maintain Bitcoin.” Poster in ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI). April 2019.
- Chris Fennell and Rick Wash. “Emotional Impact: How Stories Affect Password Behavior.” Poster in Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). August 2018.
- Emilee Rader and Rick Wash. “Trustworthy Algorithmic Decision-Making: Workshop Report.” Workshop on Trustworthy Algorithmic Decision-Making. May 2018.
- Emilee Rader and Rick Wash. “Influencing Mental Models of Security.” NSF Security and Trustworthy Computing PI meeting. 2017.
- Rick Wash and Emilee Rader. “Human Interdependencies in Security Systems.” CCC Visioning Workshop on Grand Challenges in Sociotechnical Cybersecurity. 2016.
- Ruth Shillair and Rick Wash. “Are You Listening? Social Roles and Perceived Value of Statements in Online Learning Communities.” Poster in Learning at Scale (L@S). March 2015.
- L Jean Camp and Diane Henshel, Moderators. Bennett Bertenthal, Rick Wash, Cleotilde Gonzalez, L. Jean Camp, Nancy Leveson, and Karl Levitt, Panelists.. “Holistic Computing Risk Assessment: Privacy, Security, and Trust.” Panel in American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). February 2015.
- Katie Hoban, Emilee Rader, Rick Wash, and Kami Vaniea. “Computer Security Information in Stories, News Articles, and Education Documents.” Poster in Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). July 2014. [Distinguished Poster Award]
- Chankyung Pak and Rick Wash. “Importance of Recent Success and Initial Overconfidence: Factors of Crowdfunders’ Limited Learning.” Poster in ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC). June 2014.
- Kami Vaniea, Emilee Rader, and Rick Wash. “Mental Models of Software Updates.” International Communication Association. Seattle. May 2014.
- Elizabeth M. Gerber, Michael Muller, Rick Wash, Lilly C. Irani, Amanda Williams, and Elizabeth F. Churchill. “Crowdfunding: An Emerging Field of Research.” Panel Session in CHI ‘14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. April 2014.
- Jeffrey Proulx and Rick Wash. “An Analysis of Advice Giving in an Online Health-Support Community.” Kentucky Conference on Health Communication. Lexington, Kentucky. April 2012.
- Cliff Lampe, Nicole Ellison, Jessica Vitak, Yvette Wohn, and Rick Wash. “Social Sensemaking: Propensity to use Facebook to reduce classroom equivocality.” 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. Singapore, Singapore. June 2010.
- Rick Wash and Emilee Rader. “Using Economic Modeling to Predict User Behavior.” Understanding Online Behavior, at CHI 2010. April 2010.
- Rick Wash and Jeff MacKie-Mason. “A Social Mechanism for Home Computer Security.” Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE). December 2008.
- Rick Wash. “Mental Models of Home Computer Security.” Extended Abstract in Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), Poster Session. July 2008.
- Rick Wash. “Incentive Design for Home Computer Security.” iConference, Doctoral Colloquium. March 2008.
- Rick Wash and Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason. “Incentive Design for Home Computer Security.” Poster in iConference, Poster Session. March 2008.
- Rick Wash and Emilee Rader. “Understanding del.icio.us Tag Choice using Simulations.” Full Paper in iConference, Papers Track. March 2008.
- Rick Wash. “Incentive Design for Home Computer Security.” Extended Abstract in Doctoral Colloquium, at ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI). May 2007.
- Emilee Rader and Rick Wash. “Tagging with del.icio.us: Social or Selfish?.” Extended Abstract in Poster Session, at ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). November 2006.
- Rick Wash and Jeffrey MacKie-Mason. “Incentive Centered Design and Information Security.” First Workshop on Hot Topics in Security (HotSec). July 2006.
- Thede Loder, Marshall van Alstyne, and Rick Wash. “An Economic Response to Unsolicited Communications.” Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE). December 2004.
- Thede Loder, Marshall van Alstyne, and Rick Wash. “An Economic Solution to the Spam Problem.” MIT Spam Conference. January 2004.
- Jose Nazario, Jeremy Anderson, Rick Wash, and Chris Connelly. “The Future of Internet Worms.” Blackhat Briefings. July 2001.
Working Papers
- Rick Wash. “Challenges in Non-Experimental Causal Inference with Data from Socio-Technical Systems” Working paper. October 2015.
- Rick Wash and Jeff MacKie-Mason. “Using a Minimum Threshold to Motivate Contributions to Social Computing” Working paper. June 2009.
- Rick Wash. “Content Provision and Digital Rights Management” Working paper. December 2005.
- Rick Wash. “Lecture Notes on Stream Ciphers and RC4” Working paper. September 2001.
Invited Talks
- Rick Wash, “Rethink or Sink: Unraveling the Human Side of Phishing”. Talk at IMPACT 2024. ( video, report)
- Rick Wash, “Detecting Phishing: Using Email in the Presence of Adversaries”. Talk at University of Wisconsin, Madison - iSchool (Feb 2023)
- Rick Wash, “How People Detect Phishing Messages”. Invited Talk at Bank of America (May 2022)
- Rick Wash, “How People Detect Phishing Messages”. Talk at Michigan Technical University (November 2021)
- Rick Wash, “How to Catch a Phish.” Talk for MSU IT Cybersecurity Awareness Month (2021)
- Rick Wash, “Detecting Phishing Messages.” At Sonoma State University CS Colloquium (2021)
- Rick Wash, “Detecting Phishing.” At MSU Extension All-Staff Meeting (2021)
- Rick Wash, “Detecting Phishing and Social Engineering.” At MSU IT Security Forum (2021)
- Rick Wash, “Cybersecurity Gossip: Using Stories to Improve Security Decisions.” At “Univeristy of Pittsburg, School of Computing and Information”. (2018)
- Rick Wash, “Cybersecurity Gossip: Using Stories to Improve Security Decisions.” At “Univeristy of Maryland, iSchool”. (2018)
- Rick Wash, “The Role of Human Decisions in Computer Security Systems.” At *Penn State University, College of Information Sciences and Technology”. (2018)
- Rick Wash, “Cybersecurity Gossip: Using Stories to Improve Security Decisions.” At the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. (2017)
- Rick Wash. “Understanding Everyday Decision Making.” At Indiana University, School of Informatics. (2016)
- Rick Wash. “Understanding Everyday Decision Making.” At Syracuse University, School of Information Studies. (2016)
- Rick Wash and Emilee Rader. “Influencing Mental Models of Security.” At Lansing Torch Club, East Lansing, MI. (2014)
- Rick Wash. “Folk Security.” At Indiana University, School of Informatics. (2013)
- Rick Wash. “Thinking and Talking About Security.” At Indiana University, School of Informatics. (2012)
- Rick Wash. “Thinking and Talking About Security.” At Cornell University, Information Science Colloquium. (2012)
- Rick Wash. “Socio-technical Influence on Behavior in Social Media.” At Michigan State University, School of Journalism and Department of Telecommunications, Information Studies, and Media. (2010)
- Rick Wash. “Socio-technical Influence on Behavior in Social Media.” At University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science. (2010)
- Rick Wash. “Socio-technical Influence on Behavior in Social Media.” At Northwestern University, SONIC lab. (2010)
- Rick Wash. “Is ‘Social Tagging’ an Oxymoron? Understanding Incentives on del.icio.us.” At Drexel University, the iSchool at Drexel. (2009)
- Rick Wash. “Is ‘Social Tagging’ an Oxymoron? Understanding Incentives on del.icio.us.” At Michigan State University, Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media. (2009)
- Rick Wash. “Is ‘Social Tagging’ an Oxymoron? Understanding Incentives on del.icio.us.” At Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab. (2009)
- Rick Wash. “Is ‘Social Tagging’ an Oxymoron? Understanding Incentives on del.icio.us.” At Rutgers University, Department of Library and Information Science. (2009)
- Rick Wash and Jeffrey MacKie-Mason. “Incentive-Centered Design for Information Security.” At DIMACS Workshop on Information Security Economics (2007).
- Rick Wash and Jeffrey MacKie-Mason. “Incentive-Centered Design for Information Security.” At Ford Information Technology Seminar (2007).
- Rick Wash. “The Economics of Malevolence in Cyberspace.” (Mar. 2005). Invited Talk at Case Western Reserve University.
- Rick Wash. “The Security of Trusted Computing.” (February 2004). Invited Talk at Case Western Reserve University.
- Rick Wash. “The Digital Millenium Copyright Act.” (February 2002). Given at the CWRU Chapter of the ACM.
- US Patent #7,890,338: Method for Managing a Whitelist. Inventors: Theodore C Loder, Marshall van Alstyne, Richard L Wash. Issued February 15, 2011
Teaching Experience
Classes Taught
Instructor of Record
- Spring 2020. MSU MI 250: Introduction to Applied Programming
- Fall 2019. MSU MI 250: Introduction to Applied Programming
- Fall 2019. MSU MI 220: Methods for Understanding Users
- Spring 2019. MSU MI 985: Analysis for Media
- Fall 2018. MSU MI 220: Methods for Understanding Users
- Spring 2018. MSU MI 985: Analysis for Media
- Fall 2017. MSU MI 220: Methods for Understanding Users
- Spring 2017. MSU MI 985: Analysis for Media
- Fall 2016. MSU MI 220: Methods for Understanding Users
- Fall 2016. MSU MI 491 / JRN 492: Building Online Communities
- Spring 2016. MSU MI 985: Analysis for Media
- Spring 2016. MSU JRN 821: Social Media News and Information
- Fall 2015. MSU TC 491 / JRN 492: Building Online Communities
- Spring 2015. MSU TC 985: Analysis for Media
- Spring 2015. MSU JRN 821: Social Media News and Information
- Fall 2014. MSU TC 491 / JRN 492: Building Online Communities
- Spring 2014. MSU TC 985: Analysis for Media
- Spring 2014. MSU TC 359: Server-Side Web Development
- Fall 2013. MSU CAS 992: Special Topics: Big Data
- Spring 2013. MSU TC 985: Analysis for Media
- Spring 2013. MSU JRN 821: Social Media News and Information
- Fall 2012. MSU TC 359: Server-Side Web Development
- Spring 2012. MSU TC 359: Server-Side Web Development
- Spring 2012. MSU TC 985: Analysis for Media
- Fall 2011. MSU CAS 992: Special Topics: Large-Scale Data and Exploratory Data Analysis
- Spring 2011. MSU JRN 492: Special Topics: Computing and Journalism
- Spring 2011. MSU TC 449: Server-Side Web Development
- Fall 2010. MSU TC 861: Information Networks and Technologies
- Spring 2010. MSU TC 449: Server-Side Web Development
- Spring 2010. MSU TC 458: Project Management
As Assistant
- Facilitator, “Getting Started: GSIs Teaching Graduate Students.” GSI Teaching Orientation, University of Michigan. Fall 2007, Winter 2008, and Fall 2008
- Graduate Student Instructor: SI 540 Understanding Networked Computing, School of Information, University of Michigan. Fall 2006.
- Graduate Student Instructor: SI 502 Choice and Decision Making, School of Information, University of Michigan. Winter 2006.
- Graduate Student Instructor: EECS 381 Advanced Object Oriented Programming, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan. Fall 2004.
- Teaching Assistant: ECES 381 Intro to Operating Systems, Computer Engineering and Science, Case Western Reserve University. Spring 2001.
- Teaching Assistant: ENGR 101 Intro to Computer Science, College of Engineering, Case Western Reserve University. Fall 1999.
Independent Study Projects Supervised
- Ruth Shillair (PhD): Fall 2014
- Michael Friedman (PhD): Spring 2012
- Andrew Rockwell (UG): Spring 2012
- Jacob Solomon (PhD): Fall 2011
- Jeff Proulx (MA): Fall 2011
- Aaron Robinson (UG): Fall 2011
- Tor Bjornrud (PhD): Spring 2010
Students Advised
Postdoctoral Researchers
- Kami Vaniea. 2012-2014 (Indiana University –> University of Edinborough)
- Norbert Nthala. 2019-2021 (Google)
PhD Students graduated as advisor
- Jacob Solomon. MSU MIS. 2010-2015 (Postdoc at University of Michigan; now Athena Health)
- Chankyung Pak. MSU MIS. 2013-2018 (Postdoc at University of Amsterdam; now BNU-HKBU United International College in China)
PhD Advisor
- Zach Schultz. UW-Madison iSchool. 2024-Present
- Megan Knittel. MSU IM. 2018-2020
- Chris Fennell. MSU IM. 2016-2020
- Yuyang Liang. MSU MIS. 2015-2016 (graduated)
- Jan-Hendrik Boehmer. MSU MIS. 2011-2013 (graduated)
- Laeeq Khan. MSU MIS. 2012-2013 (graduated)
- Tor Bjornrud. MSU MIS. 2011-2012
PhD Committee Member
- Adam Jenkins, University of Edinburgh. External Examiner (2021-2022)
- Dominik Neumann. MSU IM. 2017-2018 (graduated)
- Shaheen Kanthawala. MSU MIS. 2016-2018 (graduated)
- Travis Kadylak. MSU MIS. 2016-2019 (graduated)
- Julia DeCook. MSU MIS. 2015-2016 (graduated)
- Kendall Koning. MSU MIS. 2014-2018 (graduated)
- Eunsin Joo. MSU MIS. 2015-2017
- Yumi Jung. MSU MIS. 2014-2017 (graduated)
- Ruth Shillair. MSU MIS. 2014-2017
- Tian Cai. MSU MIS. 2014-2016
- Jan-Hendrik Boehmer. MSU MIS. 2013-2014 (graduated)
- Sang Yup Lee. MSU MIS. 2012-2014 (graduated)
- Wenjuan Ma. MSU MIS. 2012-2017 (graduated)
- Sonya Yan Song. MSU MIS. 2012-2015 (graduated)
- Ryan Feywin-Bliss. MSU MIS. 2011-2012
- Michael Friedman. MSU MIS. 2011-2013 (graduated)
- Brandon Brooks. MSU MIS. 2011-2015 (graduated)
- Jason Watson. UNC-Charlotte. 2011-2014 (graduated)
- Tor Bjornrud. MSU MIS. 2010-2011; became chair in 2011
MA Advisor
- Craig Tucker. MSU TC Masters Project. 2012
- Ian Hewlett. MSU TC Masters Thesis. 2012
MA Committee Member
- Maggie Vandura. MSU TC Masters Project. 2011
- Jeff Gillies. MSU Journalism Masters Thesis. 2011
- Xi (Mickey) Yue. MSU TC Masters Thesis. 2011
- Chris Hamrick. MSU TC Masters Thesis. 2011
- Korey Scott. MSU TC Masters Project. 2010
Masters-level Research Assistants
- Janghee Cho. Spring 2018
- Andrew Osentoski. Fall 2015
- Benoit Bonnet-Madin. Fall 2011
- Craig Tucker. Fall 2011
Undergraduate Research Assistants
- Jennifer Salemy, UW-Madison. Spring 2025-Present
- Tara Thomsen, UW-Madison. Fall 2024-Present
- Sophie Lamphier, MSU. Spring 2021
- Abrielle Mason, MSU. Fall 2019, Spring 2020
- Faye Kollig, MSU. Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021
- Connor O’Rourke, MSU. Fall 2018.
- Daniel Khairallah, MSU. Summer 2018.
- Caitlyn Myers, MSU. Spring, Summer, Fall 2018.
- Julie Gerstley, MSU. Summer 2017.
- Dottie Blyth, MSU. Summer 2017.
- Nicholas Gilreath, MSU. Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018.
- Robert Novak, MSU. Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018.
- Jimmy Mkude, MSU. Fall 2016
- Nina Capuzzi, MSU. Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017.
- Zac Wellmer, MSU. Fall 2015.
- Ruthie Berman, MSU. Summer 2015.
- Robert Plant Pinto Santos, MSU. Summer 2015.
- Sean McNeil, MSU. Summer 2015.
- Ellen Light, MSU. Summer 2015.
- Annika De Souza, MSU. Summer 2015.
- Paul Rose, MSU. Fall 2014, Spring 2015.
- Meghan Huynh, MSU. Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015.
- Brandon Beasley, MSU. Summer 2014
- Stephanie Pena, MSU. Summer 2014
- Lezlie Espana, MSU. Summer 2014
- Shiwani Bisht, MSU. Summer 2014
- Nathan Klein, MSU. Summer 2014
- Kyle Kulesza, MSU. Spring 2014
- Tim Hasselbeck, MSU. Spring 2014
- Jallal Elhazzat, MSU. Spring 2014
- Scott Ruscinski, MSU. Fall 2013, Spring 2014
- Ruchira Ramani, MSU. Fall 2013
- Raymond Heldt, MSU. Summer 2013
- Katie Hoban, MSU. Summer 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Summer 2014
- Alexandra Hinck, MSU. Summer 2013
- Grayson Wright, MSU. Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014
- Nick Saxton, MSU. Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Fall 2013
- Tyler Olsen, MSU. Fall 2012, Spring 2013
- Leanarda Gregordi, MSU. Fall 2012
- Howard Akumiah, MSU. Fall 2012, Spring 2013
- Michelle Rizor, MSU. Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014
- Zack Girouard, MSU. Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2013
- Jake Wesorick, MSU. Summer 2012
- Sam Mills, MSU. Summer–Fall, 2012
- Alison Thierbach, MSU. Summer 2012 REU
- Kyle Safran, MSU. Summer 2012 REU, Fall 2012
- Nate Zemanek, MSU. Summer 2012 REU
- Kim Setili, MSU. Spring 2012, Summer 2012 REU
- Lauren McKown, MSU. Spring 2012-Summer 2012
- Mitchell Thelen, MSU. Spring 2012
- Andrew Rockwell, MSU. Spring 2012
- Aaron Robinson, MSU. Fall 2011
- Rachel Lipson. UMich NSF REU, Summer 2008
Scholarly Service
Service to the Research Community
Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy (SOUPS) Steering Committee. 2017-2023.
Journal of CyberSecurity Area Editor, Anthropological and Cultural Studies. Oxford University Press. 2015-2024
IEEE Internet Computing Guest Editor, Special Issue on Usable Privacy and Security. IEEE Computing Society. 2016-2017.
Workshop on Trustworthy Algorithmic Decision-Making 2017. Co-organizer.
Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security Program Committee Co-Chair 2022, 2023
Conference Program Committees:
- SOUPS (Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security): 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (PC Co-chair), 2023 (PC Co-Chair)
- WEIS (Workshop on Economics and Information Security): 2012, 2013
- CHI (ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction) Associate Chair: 2010 (Interaction Beyond the Individual subcommittee), 2019 (Security, Privacy and Visualization subcommittee)
- STAST (Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust): 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017
- CSCW (ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work) Associate Chair: 2013, 2015, 2020
- WikiSym: 2013 (track on open collaboration)
- USec (Workshop on Usable Security): 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018
- EuroUSec (European Workshop on Usable Security): 2016, 2017
- USENIX Security: 2022/2023 [Distinguished Reviewer]
Other Committee Roles:
- Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 2020 Karat student research award chair.
- I was Student Volunteer Coordinator for ACM E-Commerce 2006.
- Member, Karat Outstanding PhD student award committee, SOUPS 2021
I was a panelist for the NSF in 2011, 2012, 2014 (twice), 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023.
I was an external reviewer for NSERC (Canada) in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
I am an external expert consultant for:
- CitizenLab Security Planner
- Cyber Security Body of Knowledge (Human Factors Knowledge Area reviewer)
Reviewer for:
- Journal of Electronic Commerce
- ICIS 2006, 2011
- ACM E-Commerce 2007 & 2008
- CHI 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
- iConference 2008
- CSCW 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 (online first), 2018, 2019
- WWW 2008
- ACM GROUP 2009.
- ICWSM 2013, 2014
- HCI Journal 2013, 2014
- SOUPS 2014
- IEEE Computer Security Foundations (CSF) 2014
- Computers and Security 2014
- ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) 2017, 2018
- American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2018
- ACM Computing Surveys 2018, 2019
- ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction (TOCHI) 2021
University Service
- MSU Social Media Seminar Series. Organizer, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012
- MSU MIS PhD Spring Research Symposium. Organizer and MC, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2015
- MSU Journalism Research Committee 2010-2016
- MSU TISM PhD Committee 2010-2011
- MSU TISM PhD Committee Chair 2011-2014
- MSU MIS PhD Program Steering Committee. 2011-2014
- MSU TISM Search Committee – ICT4D. 2011-2012
- MSU JRN Search Committee – Innovative Journalism. 2011-2012
- MSU TISM Search Committee – Socio-Technical Researcher. 2012-2013
- MSU JRN Search Committee – Innovative Journalism and Tech / Media Management and Econ. 2015-2016
- MSU MI Academic Program Review committee, 2015-2016
- MSU MI Search Committee Chair – Human-Centered Technology. 2016-2017
- MSU IM PhD Program Review Committee – 2017
- MSU Faculty Grievance Jurisdiction Appeal Panel – 2017
- MSU MI Department PhD program re-vision committee – 2017-2018
- MSU MI Search Committee. 2018-2019
- MSU MI Director of Doctoral Studies, 2020-2021
- MSU ComArtSci Research Advisory Board, 2021-2023
- MSU MI Annual Performance Reivew Committee 2022-2023
- MSU MI Ad-hoc Committee on Evaluating Creative Works 2022-2023
- UW-Madison iSchool Executive Committee, 2023-Present
- UW-Madison iSchool Curriculum Committee, Fall 2023
- UW-Madison iSchool Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Spring 2024-Present
- UW-Madison iSchool MS-Info Curriculum Committee, Spring 2024-Present
- UW-Madison College of L&S – 10-year review of Computer Science undergrad program, committee member 2023-2024
- UW-Madison iSchool PhD Committee, Fall 2024-Present
- UW-Madison iSchool Mentoring Committee, Fall 2024-Present
- UW-Madison iSchool Associate Director for Research, Fall 2024-Present
- UW-Madison CDIS – Visioning Committee for a new college, Fall 2024-Present
- Presented research on phishing to MSU Security Forum March 2021
- Prsented research on phihsing to MSU Extension All-Staff meeting in May 2021
- Peer review committee for the CitizenLab Security Planner tool.
- Expert at the US Federal Trade Commission’s Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/events-calendar/ftc-hearing-competition-consumer-protection-21st-century-december-2018
Previous Work Experience
- Cigital Labs. Research Intern. Summer 2001. Developed a research prototype intrusion detection system.
- Microsoft. Software Development Engineer in Test Intern. Summer 1999 and Summer 2000. Developed automated tests for Microsoft Commerce Server. Developed an automated stress testing system.
In The News
- On Oct 18, 2024, I was quoted as an expert by Wisconsin Law Journal in an article about phishing attacks against the legal community.
- On Aug 15, 2024, I was an expert about the NationalPublicData breach on CBS58 evening news in MIlwaukee.
- On Feb 29, 2024, I was an expert about the UnitedHealth hack on the FOX6 evening news broadcast in Milwaukee.
- On May 11, I was interviewed by a WSJ reporter for an article about passwords
- On April 1, 2022, I was a guest on the nationally syndicated ratio show/podcast “Let’s Go There w/ Shira & Ryan”, where I talked about my Bitcoin research.
- On March 30, 2021, I was a guest speaker at the MSU IT Security forum: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/57daba68-5db7-4bb5-9cbc-434b410a8a7b
- On March 14, 2021, I was a guest on Insider Threat: The #misec podcast: https://podcast.insiderthreatpodcast.com/episode-14-if-you-give-a-man-a-phish
- My paper about informal sources of security learning with Emilee Rader was highlighted on Bruce Schneier’s blog: December 10, 2015: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2015/12/how_people_lear.html
- I was interviewed about software updates and the Windows XP end-of-life on WILX TV: http://www.wilx.com/topstories/headlines/Time-is-Running-Out-to-Upgrade-from-Windows-XP-254261871.html
- My security stories paper with Emilee Rader and Brandon Brooks was written up by the TechRepublic: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/security/inside-your-users-brains-where-they-get-security-advice/8361
- My collaborative NSF grant with Emilee Rader was picked up by the Associated Press, which caused it to get mentioned in a number of online sources:
- Detroit Free Press: Jan 2, 2012. http://www.freep.com/article/20120102/NEWS06/120102009/U-S-MSU-computer-security
- The Republic: Jan 2, 2012. http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/fb75369eb3e24afe9a05d62728b1f0ed/MI--Home-Computer-Security/
- Lansing State Journal: Jan 2, 2012. http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/usatoday/article/38251127
- Green Bay Press-Gazette (and many other Gannett papers): Jan 2, 2012. http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/usatoday/article/38251127
- WDIV Detroit: Jan 2, 2012. http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/US-helps-MSU-profs-study-home-computer-security/-/1719418/7545626/-/90s71y/-/index.html
- Based on the MSU Press Release on Dec 16, 2011: http://news.msu.edu/story/10148
- I did a TV interview at 6 WILX TV in Lansing on Jan 24, 2012 about the Manti Te’o hoax and how people might protect themselves from similar deception. http://www.wlns.com/category/232735/video-landing-page?clipId=8236560&flvUri=&partnerclipid=&topVideoCatNo=106526&c=&autoStart=true&activePane=info&LaunchPageAdTag=homepage&clipFormat=flv
- I did a live radio interview at WILS 1320 Talk Radio Lansing on Dec 16, 2011. http://www.webwiseforradio.com/site_files/368/File/12-16-11_Rick%20Wash2%20.mp3
- I did a recorded ratio interview on WQHH Power 96.5 fm in Lansing that aired on Sunday, March 11 2012 between 9:30am-10:00am about Google’s new privacy policy changes
My Folk Models of Security paper was highlighted by a number of computer industry venues:
- Bruce Schneier: March 22, 2011. http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2011/03/folk_models_in.html
- BoingBoing: March 22, 2011. http://www.boingboing.net/2011/03/22/folk-models-of-home.html
- “Security Education: We’re Doing It Wrong” SC Magazine. by Lysa Myers. April 21, 2011. http://www.scmagazineus.com/security-education-were-doing-it-wrong/article/201123/
- Michigan Public Radio: “Myths about online threats impact computer security” by Bridget Bodnar. May 25, 2011. http://www.michiganradio.org/post/myths-about-online-threats-impact-computer-security
- ACM TechNews: “Home Computer Users at Risk Due to Use of ‘Folk Model’ Security”. May 27, 2011. http://technews.acm.org/archives.cfm?fo=2011-05-may/may-27-2011.html#523242
- Wall Street Journal 1/15/04. Article about my anti-spam research.
- Metromode “Defending the Net.” by Tanya Muzumdar. 3/6/2008 Article about my security research – http://www.metromodemedia.com/features/TheNet0058.aspx
- My security research was featured research in announcing the STIET (NSF IGERT) renewal grant. http://www.umich.edu/~urecord/0708/Oct15_07/23.shtml and http://stiet.cms.si.umich.edu/sites/stiet.cms.si.umich.edu/files/DetroitFreePressonSTIET_Oct2007.pdf
- STIET Newsletter Fall 2008 – Article about my dissertation research and the the NSF grant that supports it. http://stiet.cms.si.umich.edu/sites/stiet.cms.si.umich.edu/files/STIETNewsFall08.pdf